The Zia Country Cash Pyramid Payout

Zia Country is giving you a chance to win some cash!

Every weekday morning at around 7:20, Lance will tell you what time we’ll be playing the Zia Country Cash Pyramid Payout. It could be anytime… maybe during the 11:00 hour with Leslie, the 4:00 hour with Shannon, or Lance could be doing it later that morning!

Be the 5th caller when you hear the cue to call. You’ll have :60 seconds to correctly answer a certain number of trivia questions. You can pass and go back within the :60 seconds, but, when the time’s up, the time’s up! If you correctly answered all questions, you’ll win $99.50! (we’ll make it an even $100 ’cause we’re generous like that, though)

If you fail, don’t worry… you’re still a winner in our book. You’ll receive a Caliche’s gift certificate and a pair of passes to Blast City Laser Tag!

More station rules here.