Police Warn of Potential Bogus Crowdfunding Efforts

The Las Cruces Police Department is warning philanthropic residents to be wary of bogus GoFundMe accounts that appear to be using the Young Park tragedy to scam generous residents.

Police have learned of several fake GoFundMe accounts that are circulating in the wake of Friday’s mass shooting. Police encourage those who wish to donate to a GoFundMe account, or any crowdfunding platform, to properly vet or evaluate the source before donating.

Anyone with information on illegitimate crowdfunding platforms should report those accounts through the platform’s reporting process.

The Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico has established a legitimate fundraising initiative to help victims and their families. Information on the Las Cruces Crisis Action Fund can be found online: https://bit.ly/4kYlsTQ

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  1. Police Warn of Potential Bogus Crowdfunding Efforts | Dailywise

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