Girls Can! Girls Can! For LCPS 6th Grade Girls

Girls Can! provides career explorations through three 50-minute hands-on workshops provided by local professional women. Topics include many careers: the arts, medicine, science, business, vocations, etc.

·        Each girl receives a backpack with a Girls Can! T-shirt and other goodies.

·        THERE IS NO COST TO LCPS GIRLS. The $5 tuition is being covered.

·        If needed, LCPS will arrange bus transportation from targeted middle schools.

·        Breakfast is provided for all attendees.

Girls can will be on Saturday, March 1, from 8:00am-12:00pm at the Dona Ana Community College (DACC) East Mesa Campus, 2800 Sonoma Ranch Blvd., Las Cruces, NM 88011.

Registration:    Registrations will be completed online.  Here is the link: (English) or (Spanish) The site will open on January 22.  Deadline for registration is February 14.  Depending on pre-registration on-site registration may or may not be available.

Parents/Guardians: Concurrent with the Girls Can! Dona Ana Community College (DACC) offers a special program in English and Spanish for parents (including fathers)/guardians at no charge. Topics revolve around current issues, e.g., avoiding cyber-bullying and future issues such as navigating paths to and paying for education after high school. In addition, parents/guardians can learn about programs available from DACC for themselves.

All School Personnel are invited to attend Girls Can! at no cost.  You may attend workshops of your choice, including parent workshops. 

Day of the Event details:  Everyone enters/exits on the east (mountain) side of DACC East Mesa Campus through the Student Resources Building.   There is ample parking in the loop surrounding DACC campus.         

 For Additional Information call, text or email:

Pat Johnson – 732.740.0463 or [email protected]

Jessica Kurtz – 575.650.1527 or [email protected]

Dr. Stephanie Hofacket 575 527-9313 [email protected]